About Your Bookkeeper

My Dream Supports Yours!

My name is Heidi and I’m the Owner of Hygge Bookkeeping. I’m also a single mom of 17-year-old triplets. When my trio started middle school, it dawned on me that the day was coming soon when all my kids would graduate at once! I thought it would be a good idea to start dreaming a new dream. I’ve always loved working with numbers and I’ve been itching to travel. Combining the two, my new dream started to take shape. I started a virtual bookkeeping business! My vision is that when my kids graduate, I will hit the road as a digital nomad.

I love hiking in the forest with my family, travel, and minimalist living. I’m passionate about supporting women in business and would be honored to support your dreams and to help grow your business!

Heidi and the Trio

Focus your time and efforts on running your business. Leave the bookkeeping tasks to me!